Electronics workbench 5.0c
Electronics workbench 5.0c

electronics workbench 5.0c electronics workbench 5.0c

Small size spanner set and Allen key set – $10.Get a decent combination wire stripper or use side cutters – $10.If you are getting magnifying lamps, get a 5 diopter one – $25 Magnifying glasses preferably head mounted (for example, to inspect solder joints).Get a pair of goggles and fume exhauster or a simple desktop 12v fan for safety - $10.Tweezers (get stainless anti-magnetic ones, and get a set with varying tip shapes) – $10.Solder spool stand and solder wick is also recommended) – $20 Solder (standard 60/40 multicore, use thin solders with less than 0.5mm diameter.Hot air rework station ( Atten 858D) – $60.Soldering iron with soldering station ( Hakko FX-888D or Hakko 936 with a variable temperature setting, use a chisel type tip for soldering iron) – $120.Power supplies (more than one is recommended, dual tracking fixed or variable supply, constant current setting, build one yourself – high power stuff is usually not needed) – $100.Function generator for creating signals ( Instek GFG-8219A for analog or Wavetek model 22 or Instek SFG-1003 for digital) – $150.CRT analog oscilloscope, 20Mhz dual channel – $50 to $100 for a second hand one.Digital oscilloscope ( Rigol DS1054Z) – $400.Get a pocket multimeter and voltage detection probe (EX330 comes with non-contact voltage detection unit which lights up near mains).Extech has micro-amp range and temperature sensor.

electronics workbench 5.0c

2 Multimeters to measure current/voltage at the same time ( Extech EX330 and AM-510).EEVblog is an awesome blog and YouTube channel (you should subscribe.) David rattles off a detailed equipment list that borders on the medium to high-end range & is transcribed by Jason Online.

Electronics workbench 5.0c