When entering bullet time, time slows down allowing you to easily dodge bullets and kill enemies. You can interact with things in the environments and the bullet time mechanic returns and has been refined. You can run, crouch, jump, and perform melee attacks.

The story plays out in parts with multiple chapters per part and most of the time you’ll get to play as Max but in some chapters, you’ll get to play as Mona and both characters feel the same. I didn’t think the game was as atmospheric as its predecessor, either, but its got solid world building which does help immerse you into the experience. I did not think Max’s dialogue and melodramatic inner monologues were as humorous as those in the first game and the overall serious tone remains consistent throughout the entire game. There are multiple endings and, overall, I didn’t think the story was as engaging as the story in the first game but the writing is accompanied by solid voice acting with an excellent performance from James McCaffrey who returns to voice Max Payne. The game is presented in a neo-noir style and primarily uses graphic novel panels to advance the plot. Max also runs into Mona Sax and while they work together to find out whose behind the Cleaners, they develop a romantic relationship. While investigating the sounds of gunshots at a warehouse, he encounters a group of hitmen called the Cleaners who he discovers are trying to wipe out anyone with knowledge on the Inner Circle. The story is set years after the events of the first game and follows Max Payne who is back working for the NYPD. They can be downloaded directly from Rockstar’s website.

I also installed the Bonus Chapters which add two additional chapters or levels to the Dead Man Walking mode. For this review, I played the PC version and used the Widescreen Fix to run it in a proper widescreen resolution. It was released for Xbox in November of that same year and PlayStation 2 that December.

Who doesn’t like blowing away bad guys in slow motion? Developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Rockstar Games, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was released for PC in October, 2003. It’s a love letter to classic Hong Kong action movies like Hard Boiled, it has an engaging story, and it’s fun to play. The original Max Payne is an awesome game.