Past Musou games have ignored actions of the second player (Samurai/Sengoku is the one at fault), but it's unknown if BO-mega Farce has changed anything (heard this game was from a new project lead - i.e., fun). A second player is helpful, although it's recommended you let this second player do "passive" conditions (like protecting a garrison or fort or allied officer) any condition that needs you to cause (like defeat a particular officer, or reach a certain spot to trigger an event) should be done by the first (top) player in order to keep the "conditions caused" grouped. It is very unique and unlike the other item decanters on the map. Treasure boxes are black ornate boxes with the old standby item bag. Turn on the events option if you are running into that problem, or learn to moderate your rage - generally speaking, almost no one can kill your officer on easy. If you are having trouble sating some conditions, you can get these treasures on the easiest setting (helpful in some cases), just beware of over-stacking events if you do that. Note, treasures cannot be depleted once you pick one up, but the abilities on the weapons may be.

"Where war is a science, slaughter is an art." -Soban the Red, KharakĪlthough there is a "Treasure Guide" snippet in each of the stages that have potential treasure, the haziness of the clues do not figure into the tight time schedule and regimented conditions that are well known by any Die! Nasty Warriors! veteran, so here is a guide to clarify the fog of war. The latest versions of the document, associated media and errata will always be first available at.

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